
Tech & Innovation Festival

Martijn Theuwissen



Martijn Theuwissen is the Co-founder and COO of DataCamp, and he is on a mission to democratize data skills for everyone through online upskilling and better data tools. He holds a Master of Science in Business Engineering from the KU Leuven University in Belgium.


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Be a part of the largest gathering of entrepreneurs and innovators in Antwerp. Join the waitlist for Future Entrepreneurship 2024 and be the first to know when tickets go live.

Future Fair at Future Entrepreneurship 2023

Free tickets for Students

As a student, you have the unique opportunity to attend Future Entrepreneurship 2024 for FREE. Learn from inspiring speakers, discover the latest trends in entrepreneurship and secure an internship or job.

Future Entrepreneurship - Tech & Innovation Festival in Antwerp

Tickets for Professionals

Take your place among the top entrepreneurs and innovators in Antwerp at Future Entrepreneurship 2024. Invest in your future your career and your network. Secure your professional ticket for #FE24 before it’s too late.